nursing homes

What does a nursing home cost
in Virginia?

One survey says about $76,000 per year...

Are you considering nursing home care for someone you love? If you're struggling with this difficult decision and you live in Virginia, plan on spending about $208 per day. That's the average cost in the state for a Semi-Private room, according to a survey published by the MetLife Mature Market Institute*. The projected yearly cost of $75,920 is based on an estimate of 365 days. (A private room has an average cost of $226 per day, or $82,490 a year.)

Fortunatly, there are options available to help with the costs.

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Virginia Care Costs

*The yearly costs are an average of private pay rates reported by a sampling of nursing homes in the state or metro area. Some nursings homes cost more than the average, and some cost less. 2012 data.

Of all the choices for long-term care, including assisted living, home health care, and adult day care, nursing homes provide the most comprehensive care.

The typical nursing home resident needs help with multiple activities of daily living, such as getting in and out of bed, eating, using the toilet (or incontinence), and bathing. Many nursing home residents also have major medical issues prior strokes or chronic diseases.

They may also have mental or cognitive disabilities. Alzheimer's or dementia can require nursing home care.

Virginia Semi-Private
Daily Daily
Alexandria Area $279 $314
Richmond Area $211 $226
Rest of State $185 $198
State Average $208 $226


 Is there help for nursing home costs?
Link to page about How to pay for nursing homes.
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Some Americans need a nursing home for only a short time (recovering from hip-replacement surgery, for instance), but most people are there long term. That's because they need more care than they can get living at home, with family, or from an assisted living facility.

Most nursing homes provide room and meals, nursing (health) care, assistance with medications, and personal care assistance. Personal care assistance includes help with daily activities such as bathing, eating, toileting, and getting in or out of bed and chairs. Many nursing homes provide some sort of social programs also, with recreational activities, games, and entertainment.

The Price Depends on Where You Live in Virginia. Alexandria, Richmond, or elsewhere.
In Alexandria for example, the average cost of a semi-private room was $279 per day. In Richmond it was $211. In the rest of the state, it was $185 daily.

The Highs and Lows of Costs in the State
The rates in our chart reflect average costs. There were many facilities that charged more or less than the average. A semi-private room in the state ranged from a low of $150 to a high of $343. That's a spread, for a year's cost, of $54,750 to $125,195.

The 2012 average was $7 higher than the 2011 average of $201 per day for a semi-private room.

Number 58 out of 51 in this survey
Virginia ranked 28th for the cost of a nursing home room in the United States, according to this survey. Arizona ranked just above, and Idaho just under. The United States average cost for a semi-private room was was $222 per day. A private room was $248.

Comparing Costs in Virginia To Nearby States
You can look up the costs for any state at Nursing Home Prices in the U.S.

Compare the Prices Of Long-Term Care Options
What are the prices in Virginia for assisted living, home health care, and adult day care? Virginia Long Term Care Prices

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Data was compiled using hourly/daily cost averages as published in the MetLife Mature Market Institute Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs. This survey information came from the MetLife Mature Market Institute. The full report is available at the Institute's website.

Explanatory note about the survey:

"MetLife provides a "State Average" for each type of long-term care service in each state -the average of all rates for all sampled services in the state. In the states where MetLife includes average rates for one or more cities or areas within a state, these averages are specific to those areas."

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