Family owned. Based on our real experience.

Nursing Home Costs in Connecticut

*This is the median daily rate for all IA facilities. $146k
*Annual cost at the Connecticut median rate
Connecticut Nursing Home Costs
Daily Rate CT Nursing Homes

Highest/Lowest Daily Rates

Nursing home costs in Connecticut are far above the national average. With a daily cost for a semi-private room of $400, it is $180 more than the national median for all states, which is $220.

The highest nursing home rate (semi-private room) of $480 was reported in New Haven. A full year of care at that rate would be $175,200.

The record-high rate could be from a single exceptional facility, and is not typical of all nursing homes. The median rate for the New Haven area is much less, at $390/day.

The median rate is the middle point between the highest and lowest. It is similar to an average, but not exactly the same.

The lowest median rate in the state was $385 per day; in the Norwich–New London area.

The median rate for the entire state was $400 per day for a semi-private room, and $435 for a private room.

Medicare does not pay for long-term care. (It might pay for short-term stays for rehab after surgery or other treatment.
Average age upon admittance to a nursing home.
ccrc decisions

Planning ahead for lifetime care? A CCRC (Continuing Care Retirement Community) may be your answer.

What's a CCRC?

Simply put, CCRCs are retirement communities with an important added benefit: lifetime care, which ensures that you can "age in place," having planned ahead in terms of access to additional services and the cost of long-term care. The typical CCRC is a community that includes independent living in apartments or house units, an assisted living facility, and a nursing home or skilled nursing facility.

Some CCRCs also include short term rehab, hospice, special memory care facilities, and even home health care services.

You can check out Connecticut's CCRCs at our page: Connecticut Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Life Care Communities, CCRCs.

Comparing Long Term Care in Connecticut
Estimated Annual Cost (median rates)
nursing homes
assisted living
home health aide
adult day care
Adult Day
Nursing Home data is based on a Semi-Private Room.

Costs Around the State

Nursing Home Median Daily Rates (Semi-Private Room)
Bridgeport-Stamford–Norwalk $412
Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford $408
New Haven-Milford $390
Norwich-New Londons $385
Connecticut - Rest of State $421

More From .gov Sites About Paying For Long-term Care:

That's the median yearly cost for all nursing homes in the US (Semi-Private Room). In cost-per-day, its $220.
At least 70% of people over 65 will need long-term care services and support at some point in their lives.
(Source: 2015 Medicare & You, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)

A BIG thank you to Genworth.

Much of the data used on this page was sourced from the "Cost of Care Survey 2015 - Massachusetts" published by Genworth Financial, Inc. You can download a copy here We are very grateful that this excellent report is available to the public.

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